Author Archive
A Day (and The Month Before) with Verizon
by Eric Stewart on Nov.16, 2014, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
In which I regale you with the story of a wholesale warehouse company’s crappy timing; me attempting to purchase, at most, three phones; ending up with orders for five; get passed around (and tell the same story) to around four people over the phone with Verizon and then again to two or three people at a Verizon store; and also receive a phone call from a disgruntled former provider.
A Day With the iPhone 6+ (WARNING: Language)
by Eric Stewart on Nov.16, 2014, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
So, it took me a while to get around to ordering one and it took even longer for the phone to actually make it to me … but that’s a story for another post. For this post, I’m going to avoid anything too specific to my (new) cell provider, and try to focus strictly on the phone.
ISC DHCP – “subnet” vs “pool” Declarations
by Eric Stewart on Aug.08, 2014, under Networking, Technology
We ran into a little issue that, while others might think it simple, we had never seen before. A client requests a reserve lease; once the lease is provided, their PC wasn’t getting a gateway address. Here’s why (as far as I know at this time).
Nexus 7700 Part III: Breakout Interfaces
by Eric Stewart on Jul.15, 2014, under Networking, Technology
It is possible on the Nexus 7700 line, with certain optics, to break out 40Gb (and eventually 100Gb) to 4x10Gb interfaces (no one knows for sure what 100Gb will do – it will either be 8x10Gb or 10x10Gb). In this post I go over how $JOB is doing it (at least with the 40Gb) and what you need to be aware of. I do touch a little bit on the 100Gb breakout future and explain why we were looking to do it.
Nexus 7700 Part II: Racking a Cisco Nexus 7710
by Eric Stewart on Jul.08, 2014, under Networking, Technology
We racked our Nexus 7710 recently. Here’s some of the things you might need to know regarding getting this monster of a chassis into a rack.
So I Went To My Second Cisco Live …
by Eric Stewart on Jun.25, 2014, under Life, Networking, Technology
I figured I should get this written while I can, and before it all fades away from my brain … here’s my thoughts on Cisco Live and some advice for future first-time attendees.
Nexus 7700 Part I: Power and Playing With Supervisors
by Eric Stewart on Jun.23, 2014, under Networking, Technology
So we powered on our first to arrive Nexus 7706s (two of them). Here’s some notes so far.
Nagios’s check_ntp_peer, IPv6, and ntp.conf
by Eric Stewart on Jun.03, 2014, under Networking, Technology
As is not unusual, I run into an edge case that might be specific to us. While attempting to monitor IPv6 reachability of an NTP server I had just upgraded, I ran into an interesting case where NTP was responding via IPv4, but not IPv6, and they appeared to be identically configured.
Air Travel
by Eric Stewart on May.16, 2014, under Life
Quick post about how to get your way through airline security without wasting everyone else’s time.
Restarting iptables and MySQL slave connections
by Eric Stewart on Feb.27, 2014, under Networking, Technology
It’s been a while since I’ve done more than just update the Unified Trees post for new versions, and I stumbled across an issue that Linux administrators that make use of iptables should be aware of. The case is actually true for any “client initiated connection” when it comes to iptables – not just MySQL slaves. That’s just where I stumbled across the issue.