Archive for July, 2009
A Day With The Palm Pre
by Eric Stewart on Jul.30, 2009, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
I got the Palm Pre. Here’s my one day review of the handset.
Why I Returned My BlackBerry Tour
by Eric Stewart on Jul.30, 2009, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
I almost ditched Sprint as a provider and have since returned my BlackBerry 9630 Tour for a Palm Pre. Here’s the story.
BlackBerry 9630 Tour’s GPS: Less Than Impressed
by Eric Stewart on Jul.25, 2009, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
For the past couple of days I’ve been playing with my BlackBerry’s GPS, using (BlackBerry) Maps, Google Maps, UberTwitter, and the camera. The results haven’t been stunning.
Three BlackBerry Twitter Apps: Quick Review
by Eric Stewart on Jul.22, 2009, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology, The Internet
Bah who am I fooling? I don’t blog about anything quickly! I’ve got TwitterBerry, UberTwitter, and TweetCaster on my BlackBerry. Here’s a rundown of features and my feelings on each one.
Blackberry Tour 9630 (Sprint)/Mac Tethering Notes
by Eric Stewart on Jul.20, 2009, under Cell Phones & Providers, Networking, Technology
I got around to playing with this tonight. Here’s what I’ve learned and some step by step instructions on how to go about tethering your Sprint based Blackberry Tour 9630 to your Mac via Bluetooth.
A Day With the Blackberry Tour 9630
by Eric Stewart on Jul.18, 2009, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
I’ve had my Blackberry Tour on Sprint for about one day now. Here’s my experiences so far, including issues with transferring from my 8830 to my new 9630. I touch on BES (not a problem if you do it right) and BIS (small problem) accounts. I also talk about TwitterBerry and TwitPic integration.
Firefox: Version 3.5 and the Add-Ons I Use
by Eric Stewart on Jul.03, 2009, under Computers, Technology, The Internet
I touch on (though not actually “review”) Firefox 3.5, and go over what add-ons I’m currently using for Firefox, and why.