Archive for May, 2012
A Day With CyanogenMod 9
by Eric Stewart on May.20, 2012, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
Okay … so given the access to something like Nandroid, I decided to give the CyanogenMod 9 Beta 3 a try on the Samsung Epic 4G. Here’s a few notes and pointers. Thing is, I probably won’t need that Nandroid backup …
(Not Even) A Day With CyanogenMod 7.2
by Eric Stewart on May.15, 2012, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
I bit the bullet and decided to switch my Samsung Epic 4G to CyanogenMod 7.2 (RC 2). Here’s my advice on the install process and initial impressions.
Synergy secured with Cygwin SSHD on Windows 7
by Eric Stewart on May.02, 2012, under Computers, Networking, Technology
Subject to changes: Windows 7 is where I find myself spending most of my time: At home it’s my game machine, and at work … well, it makes a passable platform for my email and web browsers. So, that’s where my keyboard and mouse live. However, at both home and work I have an Ubuntu (Linux variant) system next to the Windows box, and occasionally I add my laptop (also running Ubuntu) to the mix. I use Synergy to control the Linux systems from the Windows system, and use SSH tunnels to secure the connection. Here’s how I do it.