Archive for June, 2014
So I Went To My Second Cisco Live …
by Eric Stewart on Jun.25, 2014, under Life, Networking, Technology
I figured I should get this written while I can, and before it all fades away from my brain … here’s my thoughts on Cisco Live and some advice for future first-time attendees.
Nexus 7700 Part I: Power and Playing With Supervisors
by Eric Stewart on Jun.23, 2014, under Networking, Technology
So we powered on our first to arrive Nexus 7706s (two of them). Here’s some notes so far.
Nagios’s check_ntp_peer, IPv6, and ntp.conf
by Eric Stewart on Jun.03, 2014, under Networking, Technology
As is not unusual, I run into an edge case that might be specific to us. While attempting to monitor IPv6 reachability of an NTP server I had just upgraded, I ran into an interesting case where NTP was responding via IPv4, but not IPv6, and they appeared to be identically configured.