Archive for November, 2014
A Day With the iMac: Photo Syncing
by Eric Stewart on Nov.29, 2014, under Computers, Technology
So we’ve had some computers die and were in need of something for a specific purpose: something to sync and backup our iOS devices with. Seeing as how we were originally using Windows for that, you’d think we’d have just gotten a cheap Dell or something. But, no. After some discussion, we got a refurbished iMac from Apple. Given that we were used to how Windows worked, this may have not been the best idea … even for someone who otherwise likes Macs, like me.
A Day (and The Month Before) with Verizon
by Eric Stewart on Nov.16, 2014, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
In which I regale you with the story of a wholesale warehouse company’s crappy timing; me attempting to purchase, at most, three phones; ending up with orders for five; get passed around (and tell the same story) to around four people over the phone with Verizon and then again to two or three people at a Verizon store; and also receive a phone call from a disgruntled former provider.
A Day With the iPhone 6+ (WARNING: Language)
by Eric Stewart on Nov.16, 2014, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
So, it took me a while to get around to ordering one and it took even longer for the phone to actually make it to me … but that’s a story for another post. For this post, I’m going to avoid anything too specific to my (new) cell provider, and try to focus strictly on the phone.