Author Archive
A Day With Apple AirPods
by Eric Stewart on Mar.01, 2017, under Cell Phones & Providers, Technology
My loving wife, with her birthday fast approaching, caught word of these things and wanted a set for herself. I of course figured I’d get us both a set and see what they were like.
A Day With the Apple Watch (Series 2)
by Eric Stewart on Dec.21, 2016, under Technology
I was waiting for my Pebble Time 2 Kickstarter reward when the word came down: Pebble was stopping all hardware production and being sold to Fitbit. In a moment of weakness I spent way too much money on an Apple Watch. Here’s my review after one day.
What Do You Call 28,000 Geeks In Las Vegas?
by Eric Stewart on Jul.20, 2016, under Networking, Technology
A) A Week With Friends
B) Summer Camp
C) A Learning Experience
D) Cisco Live 2016
E) All Of The Above
deny ip any any: What You Need On An “in” ACL For DHCP And HSRP To Work
by Eric Stewart on Apr.28, 2016, under Networking, Technology
It’s been my experience that “ip access-group <acl> in” is rarely used. Most of the time, people look at the “out” form of the command. In this post, I will explain how to view the different directionality of the “in” vs “out” and then review the issues that you can encounter with respect to DHCP and HSRP when it comes to ending an “in” ACL with a “deny all” at the end.
The Network As A Symptom: Subnets
by Eric Stewart on Apr.21, 2016, under Networking, Technology
Related to my previous post about “The Network As A System”, during my time on call, I got another request that stated: “I need a port opened between and I know they’re on the same subnet, but I’m getting timeouts when trying to connect between them.”
The thing is, they weren’t on the same subnet.
The Network As A Symptom: DNS
by Eric Stewart on Apr.21, 2016, under Computers, Networking, Technology
We have an on call rotation at $JOB where, for a week, a given engineer is responsible for responding to after hours phone calls as well as tickets and ACL requests. During a recent turn of mine with the football, I got an ACL request that didn’t make sense, and after working it through with the DB Admin that made the request, I figured I’d write this. It’s sad that it’s probably mostly networking people that read the blog, because they already understand everything this will explain. It’s the DBAs, Developers, and other IT support personnel that could benefit from what I go over here.
UnifiedTrees 1.0 Cacti Plugin: Major Update
by Eric Stewart on Feb.16, 2016, under Networking, Technology
$JOB’s Cacti multi-server infrastructure has been running fine on Cacti 0.8.8b and UnifiedTrees 0.8. However, Cacti 0.8.8f is out and the trees are done quite differently. It’s time to update $JOB’s Cacti infrastructure and to make UnifiedTrees compatible, it had to undergo some major changes.
Optical Networking: Basics, DWDM, ROADM
by Eric Stewart on Oct.26, 2015, under Internet Service Providers, Networking, Technology
$JOB is getting into some new and interesting stuff; stuff that, if you’re not an Internet Service Provider, could be a bit of a black box to you; you might be used to your ISP saying “Here’s a cable, your equipment is on the other end”. Here’s what we’ve been working on and what I’ve been able to make of it so far.
Cat 6500 to Nexus 7K Migration Note: Or, The 6500’s Dirty Little Secret
by Eric Stewart on Aug.13, 2015, under Networking, Technology
In which I regale you with a tale involving the salacious behavior of the Catalyst 6500 when compared to the more chaste Nexus 7K line.
NTP, ntpd, ntpq, and The Perils Of “Time”
by Eric Stewart on Aug.06, 2015, under Computers, Networking, Technology
We ran into a “time” situation at work, and I learned quite a bit about how NTPD works, and what exactly all the information in ntpq means. This has to do with the “Leap Second” that was instituted on June 30, 2015.