Tag: fitbit-one
A Day With the Apple Watch (Series 2)
by Eric Stewart on Dec.21, 2016, under Technology
I was waiting for my Pebble Time 2 Kickstarter reward when the word came down: Pebble was stopping all hardware production and being sold to Fitbit. In a moment of weakness I spent way too much money on an Apple Watch. Here’s my review after one day.
A Day (Or Two) With The Fitbit One
by Eric Stewart on Nov.04, 2013, under Life, Technology
Fitbit is a company that makes “activity trackers”: devices that will track your activities and give you an idea of how much you’ve done “something” throughout the day. My wife, owner of a competing product (Jawbone Up), convinced me to get a Fitbit One. Here are my thoughts on the ideas behind an activity tracker, the Fitbit One specifically, Fitbit’s iPhone app, and comparing that app to Jawbone Up’s app.