Eric Stewart: Running Off At The Mouth

Dell says I’m right!

by Eric Stewart on Apr.27, 2009, under Computers, Technology

So I had to redo my Dell Warranty Parts Direct certification for Laptops (and redid Workstations while I was at it – eventually need to do Printers, and am debating Servers due to my current work situation).

While going through the questions I ran into an issue (which I also ran into the first time through Laptops) with questions regarding the LED error lights you might find on a laptop.

Originally the issue was that Dell insisted that the information regarding what a sequence of lights meant was available on its website – which I could never find.  This time through, at least, they had the information … but they had a “Self Check” question that had a sequence of lights not covered in:

  • the online doco for the laptop in question
  • the instructional material that the self check question was for – it had nine other examples, just not the one for the self check question

So I complained.

Got an email just now:

Eric, I received word today that your were correct the information that relates to the self-check has been left out of the course. I’m being told that the question will be removed by the end of the week.


Hey Dell – if you want someone to proofread your exams, I will work for money or equipment.


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